Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
3 events,
No School – Winter Break
Chanukah: 5 Candles
Chanukah: 5 Candles
The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
Chanukah: 5 Candles
Chanukah: 5 Candles
Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah)
3 events,
Chanukah: 6 Candles
Chanukah: 6 Candles
The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
Chanukah: 6 Candles
Chanukah: 6 Candles
Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah)
4 events,
Rosh Chodesh Tevet
Chanukah: 7 Candles
Chanukah: 7 Candles
The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
Chanukah: 7 Candles
Chanukah: 7 Candles
Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah)
4 events,
Chanukah: 8 Candles
Chanukah: 8 Candles
The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
Rosh Chodesh Tevet
Chanukah: 8 Candles
Chanukah: 8 Candles
Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah)
2 events,
Chanukah: 8th Day
Chanukah: 8th Day
The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
0 events,
0 events,
4 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Detroit Cristo Rey
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Detroit Cristo Rey
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CANCELLED: Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Detroit Cristo Rey
CANCELLED: Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Detroit Cristo Rey
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Detroit Cristo Rey
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Detroit Cristo Rey
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3 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Bishop Foley High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Bishop Foley High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Bishop Foley High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Bishop Foley High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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8 events,
Evening of the Arts
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Cabrini High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Cabrini High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Cardinal Mooney Catholic
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Cardinal Mooney Catholic
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Time: TBA -Frankel Jewish Academy Quiz Bowl C V Away OPEN (@ IA East)
Time: TBA -Frankel Jewish Academy Quiz Bowl C V Away OPEN (@ IA East)
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Cabrini High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Cabrini High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Cabrini High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Cabrini High School
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4 events,
MS: E, F, G & H Classes & Open Office Hours
MS: E, F, G & H Classes & Open Office Hours
Period E 9:10 - 9:55 Period F 10:00 - 10:45 Period G 10:50 - 11:35 Period H 11:40 - 12:25 Open Office Hours 12:25 - 2:55
Asara B’Tevet
0 events,
3 events,
Mid-term Exams
7 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Academy of the Sacred Heart
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Academy of the Sacred Heart
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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3 events,
8 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Eton Academy
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Eton Academy
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Eton Academy
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Eton Academy
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Gabriel Richard Catholic (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Gabriel Richard Catholic (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home OPEN (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home OPEN (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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2 events,
Inclement Weather Exam Day
0 events,
2 events,
MLK Day of Service
MS: MLK Day of Service
5 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
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Time: TBA -Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School (@ North Cherry Hill Lanes (Clarkston) )
Time: TBA -Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School (@ North Cherry Hill Lanes (Clarkston) )
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School (@ North Cherry Hill Lanes (Clarkston) )
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School (@ North Cherry Hill Lanes (Clarkston) )
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1 event,
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Marian High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Marian High School (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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3 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Detroit Cristo Rey
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Detroit Cristo Rey
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CANCELLED: Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Detroit Cristo Rey
CANCELLED: Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Home Detroit Cristo Rey
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Detroit Cristo Rey
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Detroit Cristo Rey
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2 events,
MS: Extended Town Hall
MS: Extended Town Hall
Period E 9:10 - 10:15 Town Hall 10:20 - 11:00 Period F 11:05 - 12:10 Closed Lunch 12:10 - 12:40 Period G 12:40 - 1:45 Period H 1:50 - 2:55
0 events,
5 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Huron Valley Lutheran
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Huron Valley Lutheran
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Huron Valley Lutheran (@HOPE Christian Acad)
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Huron Valley Lutheran (@HOPE Christian Acad)
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Father Gabriel Richard High School (@ Plaza Lanes)
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Away Father Gabriel Richard High School (@ Plaza Lanes)
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Away Father Gabriel Richard High School (@ Plaza Lanes)
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Away Father Gabriel Richard High School (@ Plaza Lanes)
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Huron Valley Lutheran (@HOPE Christian Acad)
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Huron Valley Lutheran (@HOPE Christian Acad)
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3 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Cabrini High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Home Cabrini High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Cabrini High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Home Cabrini High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Cardinal Mooney Catholic
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Cardinal Mooney Catholic
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2 events,
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Austin Catholic Academy (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling B V Home Austin Catholic Academy (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Austin Catholic Academy (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
Frankel Jewish Academy Bowling G V Home Austin Catholic Academy (@ All Star Lanes (Walled Lake))
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6 events,
MS: Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat
MS: Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat
Period H 8:15 - 9:20Z BlockĀ 9:25 - 10:15Period A 10:20 - 11:25Period B 11:30 - 12:35Closed Lunch 12:35 - 1:10Period C 1:10 - 2:15Period D 2:20 - 3:25
Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B JV Away Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball B V Away Chesterfield Austin Catholic High School
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Academy of the Sacred Heart
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Academy of the Sacred Heart
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Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Academy of the Sacred Heart
Frankel Jewish Academy Basketball G V Away Academy of the Sacred Heart
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2 events,
11th Grade Shabbaton
2 events,
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.