
Covid-19 – One Year Later

The Jewish calendar is filled with notable dates commemorating events, joyous and somber, that span our rich multi millennial history. We mark these events with rituals and prayer emphasizing reflection and introspection, appreciation and gratitude, hope and optimism. This time last year, March 13 to be precise, we announced our intention to move to distance learning. The 12 months that have followed since have challenged and tested us physically and emotionally. 

Our history as Jews has taught us that finding meaning may not always be possible. There are not always explanations for the types of treatment we’ve received or the miracles we’ve experienced as a People. But that has never stopped us from making meaning because we understand that there is something meaningful to glean from every experience, good or bad, joyful or tragic.

It is almost certainly too soon to be able to take an objective look at what we’ve experienced and fully grasp how we’ve been impacted. But it is not too soon to recognize the ways we’ve been able to, as individuals, families, and a community, come together to navigate challenges and strengthen our bonds. I am, and continue to be, grateful for the incredible support and partnerships that have helped us navigate the past year.

May the season of redemption bring relief, health and joy to all.
