Jewish Life

Frankel Jewish Academy provides students with the knowledge, skills, and leadership opportunities they need to participate fully in Jewish life as passionately committed Jews. The school year at FJA revolves around the Jewish calendar, and students learn to approach life with a love for Jewish living.
From students’ first moments in school, they are surrounded by community, beginning with a freshman Shabbaton where student leaders welcome the freshmen into the FJA community.  At FJA, students are encouraged to explore their connections to Judaism beyond the classroom walls. Engendering compassionate, and critical thinkers, the Jewish life of the school provides a strong foundation for Jewish growth.
Jewish Life at FJA
One of the highlights of the year is the grade Shabbatonim (Sabbath retreats; singular = Shabbaton). Each grade gathers at Tamarack's Butzel Retreat center for a Shabbat to build community among both students and faculty and to celebrate the joy of Shabbat. The programs over the course of the day are planned both by students and faculty. They feature the school at its best, celebrating Jewish life and Jewish time, having fun with friends, and delving deep into discussion topics of shared meaning.
An integral part of Jewish life, prayer has always been a source of strength and reflection for individuals and communities. Frankel Jewish Academy offers students many choices for their daily prayer experiences. Z'man Kodesh (sacred time) offers students an opportunity to engage in the meaning of prayer, learn skills necessary to navigate through the siddur (prayer book), lead prayer services, and to explore prayer through art, music, meditation and more.
Living the Jewish calendar is an integral part of Jewish experience and learning at FJA. As we observe the special days of the year, we connect ourselves to more than 3000 years of Jewish tradition. Over the course of the school year we will observe and commemorate Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach (Passover), Shavuot, Hanukkah, Purim, Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day), Tu B’shvat, Yom Hazikaron (Israeli Memorial Day), Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day), and Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day).
The school’s commitment to Shabbat and Holy Days is an essential element in developing FJA community. As such, school programs will ensure start times and end times that do not conflict with Shabbat or Holy Day observances. Additionally, students will not be expected to complete homework on Shabbat and Holy Days.