2019-2020 Blog
Sukkot: Leaving Our Comfort Zone to Learn and Grow
Sukkot is not a holiday designed for comfort. We exit our homes to eat, live, sleep, and socialize in a temporary hut with a flimsy roof where we are vulnerable…
Read MoreBecoming Our Best Selves Inside and Out
On Purim we acknowledge that not all is as it seems. We read the megillah where the cast of characters defy their presumed identities and their motives are anything but…
Read MoreMLK Day: An Opportunity for Kindness and Service
Martin Luther King Day is no ordinary federal holiday. It is one of only two that is designated as a national day of service (the other being September 11 National…
Read MoreSpreading Light Through Darkness
Now the earth was astonishingly empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep… (Genesis 1:2). …And God said, “Let there be light,” (Genesis 1:3). And God saw the…
Read MoreGrandfriends Day – Sharing the FJA Experience
When we think of schools we tend to think of formal learning. Classrooms and teachers, desks and whiteboards (or interactive whiteboards), students and lockers. Certainly all of these elements exist…
Read MoreSetting the Tone for Our Best Year Yet!
What do the Jewish month of Elul, the start of the new school year, and the learning process all have in common? They all involve reflecting back and thinking ahead…
Read MoreChodesh Nisan – Hoping and Helping
The month of Adar is known as a time of joy. We read the scroll of Esther which describes the salvation of the Jews, threatened with annihilation by Hamman and…
Read MoreEight Days of Communal Light
Today, the 8th day of Hanukkah, brings to a close a season, beginning with Thanksgiving, dedicated to appreciation, gratitude and expressions of unity and restoration. At FJA, an important part…
Read MoreSpirit Week and Community
FJA’s strong and tight knit community is the foundation that supports academic achievement, character development, and student growth. As Fall Spirit Week concluded on Friday, I was moved by how…
Read More1st Day of School Reflection
Yesterday was a first day like no other. After nearly a year and a half of COVID 19 dominating so many aspects of school, yesterday felt welcomingly “normal.” Yes, we…
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